Blog en el que el alumnado del máster de Lenguas Extranjeras de la Universidad de Córdoba publica el resultado final de dos de las tareas: Elaboración de microactividades comunicativas basadas en el PEL y secuencias de currículum integrado.

jueves, 3 de marzo de 2016

A job interview. Listening A2

A Job Interview

By Mª José Jurado and Rocío Ávila 

1 comentario:

  1. Your activity lacks the descriptor: "Provided they speak slowly and clearly, and the sound quality is very good... I can understand phrases, words and expressions related to areas of most immediate priority; for instance, essential information about a person, family, work or background".
    Having listened to the conversation, I think the title isn´t suitable: they are talking about jobs and not about a job interview.
    Fill in the gaps is a very conventional activity. It is not bad to begin with but I think you can make it more communicative, as for example, asking students to listen to identify information, not only to discriminate words (True/False exercise, multiple choice...)
    Criteria is neither suitable as students are not listening situations in a bank, shop, etc... It could have been more appropriate "I am able to identify information about jobs" "I can understand conversations about jobs"
    By the way, there are two sound files in your activity. Check it!!
